JITO Ladies Wing Kolkata

Zaayka Event 2021

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A Jain Food Cooking Competiton

Award Ceremony

Tuesday, 15th June, 2021 | 3:00 PM

JITO Kolkata Ladies Wing is proud to announce the Judge for Zaayka

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Chef Pooja Baid (Judge)

She started the European bistro, Piccadilly Square in 2008 and was the first Café to successfully introduce all vegetarian, egg gelatine-free dishes without compromising its authentic taste Driven by her penchant to

innovate she ventured to re-define South Indian eat-out by establishing The Chutney Co. in 2015. These ventures have received immediate acceptance, and more than 10 regional as well as national awards such as India International Café Award, Times Food Award, and Telegraph Award She has specialized in culinary courses from International Institutes like the London School of Coffee, and Carpigiani Gelato University

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Chef Manju Sethia (Judge)

As a young girl, she was bought up in London. She was always fond of cooking and baking. She got married in Kolkata and after settling down started teaching eggless cakes and cake decorations and other cuisines like

Mexican Lebanese, Italian and Chinese Today she has 30 outlets in Kolkata, Krazy for Chocolates and our franchise Crazy for Cakes. She also started her YouTube channel Sharing Cooking Secrets which today has 300k subscribers.


Rajesh Bhutoria - Chairman
Pankaj Kankaria - Chief Secretary


Sarita Saraogi - Chairperson
Sonam Bagrecha - Chief Secretary


Sangeeta Baid
Sangeeta Bafna

JITO Ladies Wing Kolkata
